Enter to start
Arrow keys to move/aim
Down arrow to fire/pickup
Hold Z to enter aim mode
X to cycle through firing modes

Based on the popular Portal series by Valve and Portal Flash.


Level design, Visuals - JamesTDG
Map creation, Programming - PixelDud
Title screen BG - BirdsProbably

Updated 16 days ago
Published 19 days ago
PlatformsWindows, HTML5
AuthorsJamesTDG, PixelDud
Made withGodot
Tags2D, Godot, Pixel Art


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Portal_Re-Flashed.exe 66 MB


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(2 edits) (+1)

this is really cool! nicely done! i feel like the controls could be a improved a little bit. pressing down to shoot seems kind of weird to me.
also, it would be nice to have some checkpoints or a way to reload at each room because i softlocked myself.

EDIT: nevermind! i see that i shoot through the blue tube to get back to the first area. image.png

(2 edits) (+1)

okay HELP! i have dropped the cube on myself and i can’t move! i couldn’t figure out how to drop the cube once i picked it up, but then i aimed up and it dropped on my head. D:


Sounds like a physics bug, could prob be fixed easily if the hitbox were like a pentagon on the player


I think that I may update it to where the player cannot collide with the cubes. In the meantime, you can pickup the cube if it is above you.

i could not pick it up when it was above me. removing collisions with the player sound like a good choice.

We really should have the player collide with the cubes, otherwise I can't make my favorite level from portal flash. Again, we should have the hitbox work as a pentagon.


What about only being able to stand on them, but not have them land on you?

I think that may be the best option